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What are Enzymes and what can we do with them?

Enzymes are involved in almost all conversions of substances in living nature. They facilitate and control almost all chemical reactions of carbon compounds in our body and also our environment.

They therefore react with the substance (substrate) that they want to change. We call this an enzyme - substrate complex. Enzymes are proteins that catalyze (help accelerate) and control chemical reactions. There are only a few reactions in living organisms that do not require an enzyme and proceed spontaneously.

Spontaneous reactions are usually undesirable in nature, they easily get out of hand and then sometimes difficult to control. Enzymes are not soaps!

Enzymas   Enzymas   Enzymas

Although our products look like soap, they are not! What can we do with that? With our EnzyMas ™ product, an enzyme mix that we can use for loosening and removing contaminants.

These enzymes are safe to use and composition. In the liquid form as we offer it, optimum use is immediately made of these enzymes on the surfaces that we process. Powdered enzymes often require too much time to dissolve, which often leads to losses of 80 to 90%, because they disappear directly into the "pit".

EnzyMas ™ contains enzymes that can dissolve protein and starch-like contaminants, but also all kinds of other contaminants. This is ideal for pavements and other outdoor situations.

Enzymes always need some time to do their job, but the correct temperature (10-50 ° C) is also important. Enzymes ensure a faster degradation process, so that contaminants can be removed faster and more thoroughly. It is best to compare enzymes with small "scissors", which cut the contaminants into pieces. Soaps and disinfectants do not do this, but only kill the microorganisms, so that the source of infection remains present. Enzymes do not replace disinfection, but help to reduce the germ count by removing the source of the infection.

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